Unorthodox Haggadah
An ancient text with a modern twist.
I am not Jewish, but my friend Nathan Phillips is and he wrote a new version of the book read at Passover Seders called "Bob Marley Passover." I redesigned it for mass consumption and before we knew it we got a book deal.
Heeb Magazine said, "It's the Bob Marley Passover you never knew you always wanted," Huffington Post said, "Passover just got a lot cooler", and Agency Spy called it a "Cool, creative affront to Jewish grandmothers" and an Amazon Reviewer ranted, “I was so offended that I actually shredded the thing rather than return it.”

After publication, Nathan hosted an annual dinner with Mile End deli complete with delicious food, lots of wine and an accordion player

In 2020 we, obviously, couldn't host the annual Mile End dinner, so I created a digital activity book to make seder more social while still at a distance.